Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Broken Promises

(Originally posted Aug. 31,2009)

I promised I'd stop crying-
I promised never to be blue.
But I never keep promises to myself-
I never do.

I promised that I'd smile again-
Laugh and play again, too.
But I never keep promises to myself-
I never do.

I promised if the sun came up
I'd take control and live.
I'd stop trying to find myself
and just sit back and give.

I'd forget about time
and tomorrow
and all that is new.
But I never keep promises to myself-

I never do.


  1. What are we going to about this?

  2. well that sums up the story of my life, was always going to do something for ME, but i never got to do it,,, I finally found myself and i really like myself for first time in my life , I can stand back and say I have. Life is too precious to let things get in way of your dreams, well im starting to live my dreams, one at a time/ remember my little photo you gave me.

  3. Awww Rae ... HUGS! Love you my sister-friend!

  4. Great Poem! This poem could be about me:O( I am trying to change. Thanks for the nudge!
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. Well being a delusional girl I'd just pretend I never made any promises to myself in the first place....and go happily on my way with a bon bon in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. But seriously this was really sad...because if there's one person you should never lie to it's that for telemarketers *winks* And girl where's the link to your DD's auctions? Because I AM gonna need me some dollhouse furniture! Vanna


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